Dry Skin! Never Make These 10 Mistakes.

    Generally, during the winter days, more or less everyone's skin becomes dry. When winter comes, many people's skin breaks out. But those whose skin is already a little dry and rough, have more problems than others during this time. In this regard, Masuda Khatun, associate professor of dermatology and the sex department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, said that some people's skin becomes excessively dry and cracked in winter. Many people may have the problem of excessive skin cracking due to congenital reasons. It may also be caused by some diseases.

Symptoms of dry skin,

How do you know if your skin has become dry or dehydrated? Generally, if you notice, you will see that the skin of different parts of your body is a bit tight. This is especially the case after taking a shower. Again, you will see that the skin of different places, including your elbow, feels uneven. This means that your skin is becoming dry. According to the experts, first, you pinch the skin anywhere on your body. Now observe how long it takes for your skin to return to its original position. If the skin returns to its original shape very quickly, then you should understand that your skin is dry. And if it takes a long time for the skin to return to its previous place, then you should understand that your skin has lost moisture.

Why the skin is dry?

Generally, the skin is dry due to the dry weather during winter. It is caused by low humidity, too much sunlight, and cold air. Due to heredity or genetics, after the age of 40, the number of oil and sweat glands decreases, and the skin becomes dry. Because of the profession. For example, those who do gardening, farming, or construction work, if do not use a salve to remove the dryness of the skin after work. Excessive swimming or bathing in chlorinated water, especially hot water or alkaline soaps, smoking, alcohol and caffeine intake, and excessive air travel can all cause dry skin. If there is a deficiency of vitamins A and B. Deficiency of zinc and fatty acids leads to dry skin. Some skin diseases, consumption of some medicines, excessive exposure to AC, thyroid problems, diabetes, use of excessive fragrances, etc. also dry the skin.

We will now discuss the top 10 causes of dry skin and ways to get rid of it,

1) Not drinking sufficient water and milk,

You might be thinking that water is fine for dry skin but why is milk necessary? You might not know that dry skin refers to a lack of water and oil production in the skin. A few layers below our skin are oil glands along with hair glands, which provide oil for our skin. For which our skin does not become dry. And for those whose skin supply of this oil decreases, that is, whose skin's oil production decreases, the skin becomes dry. And the easiest and best thing to avoid this problem is to drink milk. Because milk contains many types of hormones and enzymes that help in the production of essential oils and substances for the skin deep within the skin. For this reason, those who have dry skin should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water and at least one glass of milk a day. So that the balance of water and oil in your body is maintained.

2) Using normal soap or bad face wash,

Most soaps are made of sodium and fat. The presence of alkali in soap is high. And the function of this alkali is to remove oil and dirt. And if these soaps are used, the oil present in the skin goes away and the skin becomes dry. Therefore, liquid body wash or soap with moisturizer should be used for skin care. But always use milt and gentle cleanser on face skin. Always do not use charcoal, Salicylic acid, aqua, lauryl glucoside, or gel face wash on dry skin. Because this kind of face wash is for oily skin which absorbs oil from the skin. And for those whose skin is naturally dry, if they use this kind of face wash, the skin will become more rough or dry. Remember, don't use face wash more than 2 times a day. First time in the morning upon waking up, and the second time at night before going to sleep. It is sufficient to use face wash these two times.

3) Alcohol & Artificial Fragrances,

Alcohol & Fragrance absorbs skin moisturizers. So, if your skin is dry, when buying something to use on your skin, you must check the "INGREDIENTS" of the product. If there is alcohol & artificial fragrance in the ingredients list, this product cannot be bought for your dry skin.

4) Use of hot water for bathing,

Many people take a bath in very hot water during winter and very cold-water during summer. And using too hot water destroys our skin's moisture. So those who have dry skin problems should bathe in normal water in summer and lukewarm water, if necessary, in winter.

5) Bathing for a long time,

Some people have a habit of bathing or washing their bodies for a long time when taking a bath. If you suffer from dry skin, then definitely avoid this habit. Because the longer you pour body water or wash your face with water, the more natural oil will be removed from your skin.

6) Wiping or cleaning the body or face too vigorously,

There are many people who clean their bodies with great effort while taking a bath. Those who wipe the body and mouth water very forcefully. But that's not quite right. Because many wrinkles are spread on the skin and the upper layer of the skin is slowly damaged. And for which the skin becomes very dry. So, you should use a soft towel very gently while wiping or cleaning your face.

7) Choosing the right Moisturizer,

Many people may not know what or why to use moisturizer? Many people do not know which is the right moisturizer for their skin. And what is the correct rule for using it? Moisturizer actually works to maintain skin hydration. So, all skin types need to use moisturizer. And this moisturizer should be applied after washing the face, hands, and feet. Because if you apply moisturizer at this time, the glow of the skin remains the same throughout the day. The main function of a moisturizer is to provide moisture to dry skin. And all these moisturizers keep the skin healthy from within so that external pollution cannot damage the skin easily. For dry skin, oil-type or cream-type moisturizer should be used. You can also use coconut oil or Aloe Vera gel instead of moisturizer.

8) Use of Toner,

Toner is a type of cosmetics product that looks like water. Toner is used after washing the face or after applying moisturizer to prevent excess oil secretion from the skin. So never use toner if you have dry skin problems.

9) Use of Woolen Cloth,

Many people use woolen clothes to protect themselves from excessive cold. But what you may not know is that woolen clothes can dry out your skin a lot. Therefore, before using woolen clothes, you must wear cotton clothes inside.

10) Hot and cold air,

People who have very dry skin should not always apply excessive hot or excessive cold air on the body or face. That is, do not stay in excessively cold or hot environments. Because too hot or too cold absorbs the moisturizer from our skin.

Finally, always pay attention to what environment you go to or what you use, your skin becomes drier. Avoid them. Be sure to check carefully if you are buying a salve for use on your skin.

If the skin is dry even after applying regular moisturizer, then it should be understood that this is due to some other problem. In that case, you should consult a doctor.


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