Beating Fatigue: Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy and Feel Refreshed

Feels tired all the time and does not get good energy in the body. What is the reason for this? The subject of our discussion today is what are the generic causes of body fatigue? And what is the way to get rid of it?

Various studies have shown that what we eat, when we eat, how our body metabolizes that food, and how much exercise we do each day can affect our physical condition throughout the day. Our whole day's performance and our sleep depend on it.

There are specific biochemical changes in our body and brain based on what we eat. Due to this many times, you will feel sleepy after eating food during the day, tiredness will come out and many times you will not want to sleep at night.

To put it simply,

“Suppose you had a full lunch of white rice with fish or meat. Very satisfied with eating. The reason for this feeling of satiety is not to eat with pleasure. This is because eating them releases a hormone called serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is the feel-good hormone. Serotonin does another thing besides providing satiety and relaxation. This serotonin gets converted into melatonin in the brain. And that is the sleep hormone.”

The release of the feel-good hormone serotonin after eating and the process of the production of the sleep hormone are accelerated if you eat foods with a quick digesting curve (white rice, white bread, parotta along with protein (fish, meat).

The sleep hormone melatonin is essential for good sleep though at night. But it is better to have less melatonin in the body during the day to stay energetic at work, the office, or class and to reduce tiredness or jitteriness. One way to do this is to eat foods that are slowly digested such as complex curvy, protein, and fiber.

Remember if you have breakfast with high-fiber food, you will be very alert all day. You get very good energy throughout the day, that is, your body will not be tired throughout the day, you will not feel sleepy, you will be able to work very well throughout the day and you will see that you are sleeping very well at night.

So, you can eat wheat whole meal bread for breakfast, along with some vegetables and eggs, you can do it with a high fiver and complex curvy, overnight oats, and chia seeds. They are very easy to make.

You can have rice, pulses with chicken meat and vegetables for lunch. Among the vegetables, my favorite is spinach. Spinach is rich in Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and iron. Each of its components is essential for our energy boost. Especially, if the iron level in our body is low, the weakness of our body can increase a lot. Again, even if the protein level in our body decreases, the body becomes tired. So, it is necessary to eat at least one egg every day.

You can also have nuts and some seeds in the afternoon snack. For example, sweet pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. You can mix them with sour curd or oats.

Along with diet, an essential one is a hydration. Dehydration can sometimes cause weakness. Also, the various parts of our body from which we get energy need water to function properly. So, you should eat enough water or water-like food every day. Such as different varieties of fruits and vegetables. from which fluid is obtained. Which will help to relieve your fatigue.

Many times, it can be seen that the lack of a certain vitamin can cause fatigue and weakness in the body. So, you should take the necessary vitamin supplements with medical advice. But it is best if all these essential vitamins and minerals can be obtained from our daily food. For this, it is very useful to keep various vegetables and fruits in the daily food list. That is the fruits and vegetables that are available in the season.

Foods that Cause Energy Loss

There are a lot of foods that can make you lose energy very quickly. The body becomes more tired. Such foods include processed foods, high-sugar foods, and refined foods. Such as sugary fizzy drinks, chips, cakes, sweets, and candy-type fried food. They are high in calories but low in nutrients. After eating such food, it gets digested very quickly and blood sugar is released. After a while, he gets hungry again. Such foods should be avoided regularly to reduce fatigue.


    A good night's sleep is necessary along with proper food to stay energetic during the day. Let me explain a little, if you go to a beautiful airport or shopping mall in the morning, you will find it very clean and sparkling. What is the reason for this? Why doesn't it feel like this in the afternoon or evening? This is because the cleaning staff cleans everything in one night. And the last 10 years of research have shown that our body is very much like that. Every night during sleep, our brain undergoes a deep cleaning. Our brain has a glymphatic system. Which works a lot like that cleaning staff. Through this system, the accumulated harmful chemicals in the brain are cleaned. These activities usually take place during our sleep. So, if you get a good night's sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. All-day work or reading attention is fine.

Let me give an example of research on how moderate sleep can improve our performance, discussed by world-renowned sleep scientist and author of the best-selling book "Why We Sleep", Professor Matthew Walker.

For example, in America, the class start time of a school is increased by one hour from 7.30 am to 8.30 am. After this, it is analyzed whether starting the class one hour late, that is, giving the children an opportunity to sleep for one hour at home, has an effect on their test results?

At the end of the experiment, it was seen that in the years that the class start time was 7.30 am and then the average result of the exam was 605. And the next time the class started at 8.30 am, the average mark became 761. An improvement of about 156 marks. Maybe a student got a chance at a good university for these Marks. Or he got an opportunity to read and write about a good subject. Maybe his entire carrier trajectory has changed.

Not only students, but everyone also has a great impact on sleep to increase performance, energy, productivity, and alertness. So, it is better for us to sleep for 7 to 8 hours every day and eat dinner at least 3 hours before going to sleep. Because a study showed that those who eat at shorter time intervals at night are likely to have frequent sleep disturbances.

Tips for better sleep

Now let's talk about some useful tips for better sleep.

1) What we eat is just as important. Equally important is when we eat. Our body has a biological clock that maintains our sleep cycle. It has been found that eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time every day helps our biological clock to run properly.

2) Don't stay up late at night watching mobile or TV. Because the blue light coming from them reduces the amount of melatonin in the brain, the sleep hormone in the brain.

3) Do not consume tea or coffee in the afternoon or evening. Because the caffeine they contain is very slowly metabolized in the body. It means that its effect on our body remains for a long time. And if there is caffeine in the body, it makes it difficult to sleep.

Another good way to reduce fatigue is to do some physical exercise every day. Because exercise is something that has many positive effects on our mood, energy label, and brain function.

Simply, from a biochemical point of view, daily exercise helps to increase the mitochondria production & capacity of our body cells. These mitochondria are called the "powerhouse" of the cell. Through which energy is supplied to cells in different parts of our body. And if its production & capacity increase, it also helps to increase our physical strength. So, in addition to everything, something should be done so that physical exercise is done. It can be cycling, walking, or running in the morning, you can exercise at home or in the gym.

Today I mainly talk about some of the generic reasons for feeling tired. Fatigue can also occur due to illnesses such as diabetes, and allergies. Fatigue can also occur due to mental or psychological reasons. In this case, a good doctor should be consulted.


  1. So many important Information. Thank a lot.


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